• Vegetable- and Fishfarm Cornelisse b.v.

    Groenten- en Viskwekerij Cornelisse B.V. (Grovisco) is a fish farm, specialised in farming turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (Psetta maxima) and salty vegetables sea aster (Aster tripolium) and glasswort (Salicornia europaea). The company is located near Stavenisse at the island of Tholen in the province Zeeland. This is in the south-west of the Netherlands. The fishfarm The …

  • Turbot

    Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (Psetta maxima) is a beautiful flatfish, which is often called ‘king of the sea’. This fish can reach a length of one meter and weight between 25 and 30 kg. Turbot can reach an age of 25 years. It has a round asymmetrical bodyshape and the eyes are located at the top …

  • Glasswort

    Glasswort (Salicornia europea) , in England often called ‘samphire’ is a vegetable that normally grows at salt marshes along the coast all over the world. The name ‘samphire’ is believed to be a corruption of the French name, herbs de Saint-Pierre. Glasswort is a small succulent herb, with a salty taste. Glasswort is a pioneer plant …

  • Sea aster

    The sea aster (Aster tripolium) is a vegetable with a firm and salty taste. This plant grows at salt marshes and estuaries all over nothern Europe. It can grow up to 50 cm heigh and has fleshy lanceolate leaves. Normally from July till September the sea aster blooms with beautiful purple flowers. The plant is …